

October 30th, 2012

isabelmisiara has drawn 17 drawings and authored 18 captions across 35 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 29 emotes!

So...I am just a "friend" to him? Jan 7th, 2013
The LSD effect Nov 28th, 2012
moses herding sheep Nov 28th, 2012
A pencil traveling at the speed of light Nov 28th, 2012
bus comtemplating suicide Nov 28th, 2012
Fairly Unhappyparents Nov 26th, 2012
Gangsta trying to say no with cold. Nov 26th, 2012
cookie monster watching gangnam style Nov 26th, 2012
smiddyburbanjaggermanjanson Nov 26th, 2012
Hotdog van trying to run over iguana Nov 26th, 2012
Dinosaur killing a man, licking his ass Nov 26th, 2012
pacman hates black ghost (racist) Nov 26th, 2012
Ethnic soccer ball cuts a bird's tongue. Nov 26th, 2012
zombie toaster hunting flies Nov 26th, 2012
Infinite dollars in a bubble Nov 26th, 2012
atom bomb exploding in forest Nov 26th, 2012
Sad music ruins a canoe ride. Oct 30th, 2012