

November 4th, 2012

Anthares09 has drawn 25 drawings and authored 17 captions across 42 games. They follow 3 players and have 6 followers. They've earned a total of 52 emotes!

a banana on a blue car with an apple Nov 5th, 2012
Pinkie Pie to SJParker: You're Beautiful Nov 4th, 2012
army tank with nitrus Nov 4th, 2012
[panel removed] Nov 4th, 2012
adventure time!!! Nov 4th, 2012
portal 2 blow jay Nov 4th, 2012
take the blond for a walk, mustache dog Nov 4th, 2012
Abandoned island with a guy drown Nov 4th, 2012
Write a prompt Nov 4th, 2012
(e.g., A cow jumping over the moon) Nov 4th, 2012
Dinosaur Confuses Giant Tick for Son Nov 4th, 2012
Guy asks for some ice cream Nov 4th, 2012
waves takes a floating shit to the shore Nov 4th, 2012
Snape kills Dumbledore Nov 4th, 2012