Commented in the game Time to feel old. Draw the oldest meme u know
Commented in the game Cowboy made from Japanese(?) Symbols
Commented in the game I am unable to describe the previous panel.
Commented in the game Moose on roller skates?!
Commented in the game Ladybug on Wikipedia
Commented in the game Initial D but on lawnmowers instead of cars
Commented in the game Triumph the Insult Dog endorses Grey Poupon
Commented in the game Mein (summer) Kampf
Commented in the game Don't be such a SOUR KRAUT! (GET IT!??!?!?!?!)
Commented in the game Don't stare at Lumpy Space Princess' lumps.
Commented in the game I'm too lazy to come up with a decent caption.
Commented in the game Tatsumaki Senpai-Kyakuu
Commented in the game It's just gas.
Commented in the game Why kids REALLY love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. .
Commented in the game Honorable Sir Moocow the Seventh, Esq.
Commented in the game Dark Souls Sif the Great Grey Doge.
Commented in the game Nicolas Cage as det. Dik Tracy.
Commented in the game Nicolas Cage as det. Dik Tracy.
Commented in the game A tribute to the greates DC panel in the world