Commented in the game Mr Krabs is broke
Commented in the game Someone saying "Firefly was terrible"
Commented in the game gandhi uses nukes civlization
Commented in the game caesar the ape
Commented in the game Zapp brannigan finds out leela is gay
Commented in the game kaylee from firefly
Commented in the game Count von Count in the movie "The aCOUNTant."
Commented in the game trans person catches republican in bathroom
Commented in the game Batman on cocaine
Commented in the game Kilgrave (David tennant) saying jessica
Commented in the game Pokemon using moves: pass it on
Commented in the game You pick! Any Disney character vs any singer
Commented in the game Buffy celebrates 20th anniversery
Commented in the game Le Pen eating. Kebab
Commented in the game racist crab
Commented in the game Hypercute cat PIO
Commented in the game Tegan and sara smoking pot
Commented in the game Tegan and sara smoking pot
Commented in the game Black man keeps Robert e lee as a white slave
Commented in the game Fires always cheat in table eating contests