

November 26th, 2012   CANADA

lookaignoramus has drawn 1,154 drawings and authored 1,056 captions across 2,210 games. They follow 165 players and have 73 followers. They've earned a total of 11,610 emotes!


Commented in the game Bus Driver on Saturn

Commented in the game glass bottle of stars

Commented in the game Opossum Princess

Commented in the game Tweety Bird

Commented in the game A Vegetable jumping over Quicksand

Commented in the game Pizza Butt (Pizza Hut)

Commented in the game A Monkey and Rat are BFF's

Commented in the game Something smol and precious!

Commented in the game Goku dressed as the Joker

Commented in the game Goku dressed as the Joker

Commented in the game Goat in a Fire

Commented in the game Dog wearing a T-Shirt

Commented in the game Plain Fox

Commented in the game Shark Farmer

Commented in the game Alien as a Mall Santa

Commented in the game Brain wearing a Hat

Commented in the game Muffet in a Christmas outfit