

November 26th, 2012   CANADA

lookaignoramus has drawn 1,163 drawings and authored 1,057 captions across 2,220 games. They follow 165 players and have 73 followers. They've earned a total of 11,653 emotes!


Commented in the game A drop of ocean as big as the Moon

Commented in the game Influencer

Commented in the game Bubble

Commented in the game Trump drinks bleach

Commented in the game Fiji

Commented in the game Fiji

Commented in the game Brainy Jedi

Commented in the game Nothing! Absolutely Nothing!

Commented in the game Cuttlefish

Commented in the game DIO vs Bart Simpson

Commented in the game DIO vs Bart Simpson

Commented in the game Sailor moon pickle

Commented in the game Hottest bathtub

Commented in the game Yellmo got dem MUSCLES

Commented in the game The egg is angry

Commented in the game venom sailor moon

Commented in the game Gollum got the ring at Jareds

Commented in the game Adrian !