

December 6th, 2012   DEMACIAAAAAAA

jellycookies has drawn 84 drawings and authored 59 captions across 143 games. They follow 28 players and have 17 followers. They've earned a total of 550 emotes!


Commented in the game Dave goes to the hospital

Commented in the game The Demoman from TF2.

Commented in the game Lemongrab says, "UNACCEPTABLE!"

Commented in the game Waluigio

Commented in the game Who is credit to team?

Commented in the game PONPONPON

Commented in the game Kat & Ana Vs the Koopa Bros!

Commented in the game Peeta Bread

Commented in the game L's pant nowhere to be found

Commented in the game Kitty cat robs lemonade stand.

Commented in the game Kitty cat robs lemonade stand.

Commented in the game Teenage Mutant Ninja Gerbils

Commented in the game Fallout: Ti-45d Power Armor

Commented in the game Raiden is racist

Commented in the game Put the bunny back in the box!

Commented in the game Charles Chaplin

Commented in the game 1

Commented in the game 1

Commented in the game Don't say no to Panda

Commented in the game Mortal Kombat's Mileena.