

March 30th, 2012

Andrew23474 has drawn 81 drawings and authored 43 captions across 124 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 120 emotes!


Commented in the game Shit Hawk

Commented in the game cat is doing shopping in TESCO

Commented in the game Don't screw this up.

Commented in the game obama is angry

Commented in the game It's my parsnip and it does math.

Commented in the game Shen Ulting Teemo.

Commented in the game Ouroboros

Commented in the game Ned Stark eats cheetos.

Commented in the game monkeys playing chess

Commented in the game Mordin Solus doing a Waltz

Commented in the game Batman punching the Easter Bunny

Commented in the game the next Apple iDevice

Commented in the game A cow near a fence

Commented in the game Monster Rancher