

January 18th, 2013

*={crumb}=* has drawn 96 drawings and authored 58 captions across 154 games. They follow 17 players and have 5 followers. They've earned a total of 674 emotes!


Commented in the game Battlezone

Commented in the game Matt Hazard. It's Hazard Time!

Commented in the game I will soon be level 73 :D

Commented in the game ...And a cartridge in a bear tree!

Commented in the game Lemongrab

Commented in the game Figment, the Epcot Center dragon

Commented in the game Bad Apple!! (Touhou)

Commented in the game The Dude abides

Commented in the game The Dude abides

Commented in the game The Dude abides

Commented in the game The Dude abides

Commented in the game The Dude abides