

January 19th, 2013   Toronto, Ontario, Canada

BuddyBoy600alt has drawn 253 drawings and authored 2,429 captions across 2,682 games. They follow 461 players and have 58 followers. They've earned a total of 3,972 emotes!


Commented in the game A bard playing a song.

Commented in the game Sesame Street - "Mysterious Theater"

Commented in the game R.I.P. Dr. Frederick Frankenstein

Commented in the game The Canadians hate Donald Trump

Commented in the game Charlie and the cheese factory.

Commented in the game A literal rainbow in the dark :)

Commented in the game NBC

Commented in the game Viewer Discretion is Advised

Commented in the game Sesame Street - "Miami Mice"

Commented in the game Ereri

Commented in the game Ereri

Commented in the game Ms Sara Bellum's face

Commented in the game Mary Margaret Blanchard OUAT

Commented in the game Sesame Street "The Crying Game Show"

Commented in the game in a world of pure imagination

Commented in the game Kermit the Frog fires Miss Piggy

Commented in the game Double Trouble (Carmen Sandiego)

Commented in the game UHF - "Wheel of Fish" scene

Commented in the game Happy Days (TV Series)

Commented in the game Pixar Lamp