

January 30th, 2013   San Antonio, Texas

Kel34127 has drawn 190 drawings and authored 67 captions across 257 games. They follow 1 players and have 6 followers. They've earned a total of 690 emotes!


Commented in the game Shark in Nevada

Commented in the game Hugo Simpson (Bart's evil twin)

Commented in the game Link and Navi

Commented in the game Stone Paper Scissors Lizard Spock

Commented in the game Turtle family reunion

Commented in the game Turtle family reunion

Commented in the game Sweet caroline

Commented in the game Googpedia

Commented in the game Pikachu like rock music ♥

Commented in the game Death by chocolate

Commented in the game Karada wa Shiroi. O mo Shiroi.

Commented in the game Woah dude all these colours

Commented in the game Woah dude all these colours

Commented in the game Woah dude all these colours

Commented in the game Death by chocolate

Commented in the game Death by Chocolate

Commented in the game Giant cucumber assassinates Hitler.