

February 22nd, 2013

juiferrant has drawn 139 drawings and authored 75 captions across 214 games. They follow 0 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 709 emotes!

Remus and Romulus question their heritage Jun 2nd, 2014
Man running from womens bathroom May 25th, 2014
German angel brings presents for dutch child May 25th, 2014
Christmas in desert
May 25th, 2014
taco rosting marshmello in campfire May 25th, 2014
Asian guy murdering guy with gold watch May 25th, 2014
A person jumping off a building May 25th, 2014
Person in a boat (the boat resembles a banana) May 25th, 2014
happy clown vs sad clown May 25th, 2014
Nice legs what time do they open? May 25th, 2014
Happy owlcat in a tree. May 25th, 2014
Two knights guard a poisoned throne May 25th, 2014
disguised turd May 19th, 2014