

March 3rd, 2013   USA

FlamingShark has drawn 1,325 drawings and authored 4,261 captions across 5,586 games. They follow 44 players and have 25 followers. They've earned a total of 11,177 emotes!


Commented in the game Circus Circus (Las Vegas)

Commented in the game Sesame Street "The Crying Game Show"

Commented in the game House of wirdnes and madnes

Commented in the game Canada vs Donald Trump

Commented in the game Canada vs Donald Trump

Commented in the game Trump "Grab her by the pussy"

Commented in the game Furry.

Commented in the game P.O.G.

Commented in the game doug funnie and patti mayonnaise

Commented in the game Double Trouble (Carmen Sandiego)

Commented in the game Sesame Street "The Crying Game Show"

Commented in the game John Lennon vs Marc David Chapman

Commented in the game make this a non vet top game >:D

Commented in the game Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe)

Commented in the game Lady gaga joins isis

Commented in the game Kaye Faye, Queen of the fennecs