

March 6th, 2013   NYC

TheNicestGuy has drawn 858 drawings and authored 537 captions across 1,395 games. They follow 2 players and have 21 followers. They've earned a total of 7,344 emotes!


Commented in the game Megaman malfunctions.

Commented in the game ZX Spectrum rules the Universe

Commented in the game Banjo & Kazooie

Commented in the game Mad Men's "Lawnmower Incident"

Commented in the game Sheik Yerbouti

Commented in the game Buzz grows a mustache

Commented in the game Buzz grows a mustache

Commented in the game The host with the most glasnost

Commented in the game Inspector Gadget's best gadget

Commented in the game Is it a bird?!

Commented in the game Sloth Life

Commented in the game Monstrous dark computer mouse

Commented in the game pure joy

Commented in the game Inception

Commented in the game The Story of the Night