

March 25th, 2013

corijo has drawn 42 drawings and authored 16 captions across 58 games. They follow 2 players and have 3 followers. They've earned a total of 62 emotes!

Fox another planet getting hit by lightening Apr 12th, 2013
Dinosaur in Jamaika waiting for his joint Apr 11th, 2013
/_\ /_\ /_\ Apr 10th, 2013
Saint Charlie Charlin Apr 9th, 2013
321 Dr. Tran! Apr 9th, 2013
person spitting out lots of water into bucket Apr 9th, 2013
The Grim Reaper parks. He's a jerk. Apr 9th, 2013
Philosopher questions a cave Apr 9th, 2013
Ant thinks he is god Apr 9th, 2013
ventriloquist hick with massive adams apple Apr 9th, 2013
Man with green pen slanders Mr Incredible Apr 9th, 2013
Pling x 6 then you lose the game. Apr 9th, 2013
inappropriate angel is a rockstar Apr 9th, 2013
Man disrupts outdoor business conference Apr 9th, 2013
Decapitation with an Axe =BL00DY neck fountain Apr 9th, 2013
Batman is a keyblade master Apr 6th, 2013
Portal 2 robots confused at bike helmet Apr 6th, 2013
big foots foot print Apr 6th, 2013