
Jilly Shears

March 27th, 2013   Hillbilly Country

Jilly Shears has drawn 382 drawings and authored 535 captions across 917 games. They follow 123 players and have 52 followers. They've earned a total of 6,628 emotes!


Commented in the game Flo, the Progressive Girl

Commented in the game Get off my lawn!

Commented in the game Billy Corgan dances in moonlight

Commented in the game Two dirty Dive Computers

Commented in the game Suffering until the Suffrage

Commented in the game Doug Dimmadome

Commented in the game Hey Arnold Schwarzenegger!

Commented in the game Where's Waldo Festival

Commented in the game Dido

Commented in the game A fierce queen, throwing shade

Commented in the game let me borrow that top