

April 20th, 2013   San Jose, CA, USA

cromwell7244396 has drawn 98 drawings and authored 1,029 captions across 1,127 games. They follow 8 players and have 7 followers. They've earned a total of 3,941 emotes!


Commented in the game Clowns do a drive by on batman

Commented in the game Anime crossover game

Commented in the game Epilepsy

Commented in the game How was your Thanksgiving?

Commented in the game A, Down, Up, A, Down, Up...

Commented in the game Exorcism of a skunk

Commented in the game Strange theme park

Commented in the game Strange theme park

Commented in the game The Dude came in like a Bowling Ball

Commented in the game Strange theme park

Commented in the game Lion (Wizard of Oz) wants courage

Commented in the game Strange theme park

Commented in the game Strange theme park

Commented in the game Strange theme park

Commented in the game Strange theme park

Commented in the game Batpencilman kills eraserjoker

Commented in the game New Pokemon Style

Commented in the game This WILL be the first & last panel!