

March 30th, 2012   Virginia

Christopher29817 has drawn 57 drawings and authored 86 captions across 143 games. They follow 1 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 142 emotes!


Commented in the game Super Saiyan 3 Goku

Commented in the game You put the lime in the coconut....

Commented in the game Patty Mayonaise

Commented in the game Hey, Arnold!

Commented in the game Metropolis

Commented in the game If it bleeds we can kill it!

Commented in the game A Chain Smoking Flower

Commented in the game (1+ sqrt(5)) / 2

Commented in the game TROGDOR: The Burninator

Commented in the game Balls to the wall.

Commented in the game Mythbusters

Commented in the game G+ takes facebook in a fight

Commented in the game Steam logo

Commented in the game Mr T. playing a panflute

Commented in the game ceiling fan

Commented in the game so whats the deal with rice?

Commented in the game TROGDOR: The Burninator