

March 30th, 2012   Virginia

Christopher29817 has drawn 57 drawings and authored 86 captions across 143 games. They follow 1 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 142 emotes!


Commented in the game Holy Mackerel!

Commented in the game WHAT TIME IS IT?

Commented in the game The land of milk and honey

Commented in the game I'm so transparent

Commented in the game A fair damsel in distress

Commented in the game When poker goes bad

Commented in the game Two men talking in binary

Commented in the game Bieber smoking a joint.

Commented in the game meatspin.com

Commented in the game God is mad at God

Commented in the game Purple Monkey Dishwasher

Commented in the game Zombie Jesus

Commented in the game spooning leads to forking

Commented in the game Santa rocking an awesome bass solo

Commented in the game Santa rocking an awesome bass solo

Commented in the game An Octopus in SPACE!