

May 12th, 2013   Middletown, Connecticut

opposablethumbsboy has drawn 13 drawings and authored 34 captions across 47 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 100 emotes!

Gandalf the keyholder May 17th, 2013
Do You Even Lift? May 13th, 2013
I prefer YouTube. May 13th, 2013
Robot is disappointed in you May 13th, 2013
plant with three leafs May 13th, 2013
Harry Potter is a merman May 13th, 2013
I gotta "F" on my math test.  Makes me crazy May 13th, 2013
turtle moving lilly pad to island May 13th, 2013
Pepperoni pizza May 13th, 2013
A girl high on something May 13th, 2013
Man shoots lightning out of his eyebrow May 13th, 2013
Rainbow Narwhals Forever! May 12th, 2013
Man wears sonic head as a helmet and confusing May 12th, 2013