

May 13th, 2013

KDF89 has drawn 335 drawings and authored 123 captions across 458 games. They follow 0 players and have 3 followers. They've earned a total of 1,622 emotes!


Commented in the game Your favorite youtuber

Commented in the game Hulk loves cute kitties

Commented in the game Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore"

Commented in the game Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore"

Commented in the game Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore"

Commented in the game Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore"

Commented in the game "Baby, Mine"

Commented in the game Temperamental Unibrow

Commented in the game The World on Fire...

Commented in the game Jungle Cruise Disneyland

Commented in the game Drawception D's playing poker

Commented in the game Coolkid wearing a tie

Commented in the game The R-rated version of The Lion King

Commented in the game The R-rated version of The Lion King

Commented in the game Hotheaded, Anorexic, and Happy