

May 15th, 2013

Rlag has drawn 56 drawings and authored 185 captions across 241 games. They follow 8 players and have 7 followers. They've earned a total of 607 emotes!


Commented in the game FIRE IN THE BOOTH, MANS NOT HOT

Commented in the game imagination

Commented in the game French French Fries

Commented in the game The Pirates of Dark Water

Commented in the game Raptor Jesus

Commented in the game Happy horses humming in harmony.

Commented in the game Kagome vs Kikyo

Commented in the game the void of infinite space

Commented in the game Salt on the moon

Commented in the game Maplestory: Luminous vs Kaiser! :D

Commented in the game Sharknado!

Commented in the game Jenna Louise Coleman

Commented in the game Run, you clever boy. And remember.

Commented in the game i'm a rebel! im a freaking rebel!

Commented in the game i'm a rebel! im a freaking rebel!

Commented in the game Twilight v. 50 Shades of Grey

Commented in the game Once upon a time...

Commented in the game A red pacman is born