
eF eM eRaL

May 31st, 2013   Smiling through any weather...

eF eM eRaL has drawn 862 drawings and authored 3,328 captions across 4,190 games. They follow 125 players and have 129 followers. They've earned a total of 17,366 emotes!


Commented in the game Starry night with aliens

Commented in the game ride bike riding thru city

Commented in the game Something that rhymes with rhyme

Commented in the game Eeyore enjoying Hell

Commented in the game worst thing that could happen

Commented in the game rose

Commented in the game Your favorite drawception user

Commented in the game Draw a piece for your cover art pio

Commented in the game Draw a piece for your cover art pio

Commented in the game Draw a piece for your cover art pio

Commented in the game Bad Medusa

Commented in the game speed of kirb

Commented in the game speed of kirb

Commented in the game Boomer Comic

Commented in the game Boomer Comic