

June 3rd, 2013   Bunbury, Western Australia

Nemspy has drawn 378 drawings and authored 1,396 captions across 1,774 games. They follow 2 players and have 16 followers. They've earned a total of 9,609 emotes!

Protests during construction of Eiffel Tower. Apr 4th, 2017
Gollum goes over to the dark side of the force Apr 4th, 2017
The National Garlic Bread Day Celebrations Apr 4th, 2017
Anakin Skywalker finds sand really irritating. Apr 4th, 2017
Raiders of the Lost Ark is rebooted by Disney. Apr 4th, 2017
Wonka Bar has golden ticket inside Feb 18th, 2015
Santa Claus caught in a damburst Feb 15th, 2015
Kentucky Fried Kittens Feb 13th, 2015
Draw the best 80s arcade game - PIO Feb 9th, 2015
SteamPUNK Winnie Feb 8th, 2015
There is no Dana, only Zuul. Feb 8th, 2015
100 Acre Woods gang raise flag on Iwo Jima Feb 7th, 2015
Lord of the Flies Feb 6th, 2015
Steamboat Winnie (The Pooh) Feb 3rd, 2015
1984 Feb 3rd, 2015
Pooping the question Feb 2nd, 2015
My name is Talky Tina and Im going to kill you Jan 31st, 2015
Winnie the Pooh vs oldschool Cybermen. Jan 31st, 2015