

June 23rd, 2013

LunchbagRodriguez has drawn 366 drawings and authored 160 captions across 526 games. They follow 40 players and have 8 followers. They've earned a total of 1,822 emotes!


Commented in the game the mysterious goat-fish

Commented in the game the mysterious goat-fish

Commented in the game War, war never changes

Commented in the game Pokeman fan fiction

Commented in the game This war is mine

Commented in the game This war is mine

Commented in the game Roy wearing Serena's sunglasses

Commented in the game Shrektopus

Commented in the game Shrektopus

Commented in the game A queue of bees

Commented in the game Screw bee week. BEE MONTH!

Commented in the game Screw bee week. BEE MONTH!

Commented in the game Screw bee week. BEE MONTH!

Commented in the game Chris Chan

Commented in the game can there BEE anymore bee games?!

Commented in the game Dan AvaMAN and Arin MANson