

July 5th, 2013   Here

jawado has drawn 547 drawings and authored 602 captions across 1,149 games. They follow 57 players and have 34 followers. They've earned a total of 4,064 emotes!


Commented in the game Panic Beans

Commented in the game Blue Ivy turns 21

Commented in the game A kitten in a cup

Commented in the game A very brown cat

Commented in the game Prepare for trouble..!

Commented in the game Ruby Rose (school uniform)

Commented in the game A baby seal

Commented in the game It was actualy me, Dio!

Commented in the game GOTTA MOVE THAT GEAR UP

Commented in the game Draw for me the adorable kittens!

Commented in the game A detaled discussion about forks

Commented in the game Flora Reinhold

Commented in the game Draw me your biggest dream in life.

Commented in the game Dad picks a flower for his daughter