

July 5th, 2013   Here

jawado has drawn 547 drawings and authored 602 captions across 1,149 games. They follow 57 players and have 34 followers. They've earned a total of 4,064 emotes!


Commented in the game SPOOKY SCARY SKELETONS

Commented in the game Hello dinksoar

Commented in the game soviet union

Commented in the game adobe wan kenobi

Commented in the game raptor pratting 3 chris pratts

Commented in the game The Mex(ican) Files

Commented in the game OBJECTION

Commented in the game Super Mario Sisters

Commented in the game super kawaii desu

Commented in the game super kawaii desu

Commented in the game Picasso's "The Powerpuff Girls"

Commented in the game super kawaii desu

Commented in the game Not Safe For Work game warning

Commented in the game Bugle-mouthed math critters

Commented in the game Bugle-mouthed math critters

Commented in the game sexy sailor moon

Commented in the game The President is now a Sloth

Commented in the game Bugle-mouthed math critters

Commented in the game Bugle-mouthed math critters