

July 31st, 2013   Wild Wild West

KCtheKILLER has drawn 230 drawings and authored 126 captions across 356 games. They follow 14 players and have 12 followers. They've earned a total of 2,862 emotes!


Commented in the game Manslaughter = Man's Laughter

Commented in the game Apis octifera

Commented in the game Ninth Doctor and Rose

Commented in the game Liefeld, you're not an artist

Commented in the game OMG RUN, it's a SHARKNADO!!!

Commented in the game explosion of rainbows

Commented in the game Bra-ception

Commented in the game OMG RUN, it's a SHARKNADO!!!

Commented in the game "Play Limit Reached"

Commented in the game This girl is on fire!!!

Commented in the game Pikablu

Commented in the game Dragons are actually nice IRL

Commented in the game I'm running out of time...

Commented in the game SHINGEKI NO KYOJIN

Commented in the game Dovahbear in Skyrim

Commented in the game Troll-Cheese likes Doritos

Commented in the game Play that funky music, white boy.