

March 31st, 2012   Heerde

Jasperbean has drawn 164 drawings and authored 180 captions across 344 games. They follow 39 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 854 emotes!


Commented in the game Eiffel 65- Blue

Commented in the game Sweet Hipster Jesus

Commented in the game Australia - year 2537

Commented in the game Dutch humour

Commented in the game The air was full of kittens

Commented in the game Liz Lemon

Commented in the game Oh Long Johnson

Commented in the game "Survival Of The Fittest"

Commented in the game My wrist hurts

Commented in the game Dutch humour

Commented in the game You Shall not pass!

Commented in the game Gentle Giant

Commented in the game Pinoccio get´s a bigger nose

Commented in the game Communist cows

Commented in the game All your base are belong to us

Commented in the game Team Fortress 2 is a pile of shit