

October 13th, 2013   Antartica

DaveTheGamer has drawn 43 drawings and authored 74 captions across 117 games. They follow 1 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 154 emotes!

It is not easy to draw with a mouse May 7th, 2014
Derpy kid wants doctor to give him lolipop May 7th, 2014
Bob Ross is a nerd May 7th, 2014
Mariocraft May 7th, 2014
a heart boat sails away from a heart tree May 6th, 2014
Mr. Pringles gives us sour cream from heavens May 6th, 2014
long tongue May 6th, 2014
JAWS leaps out of water to get giant cookie May 6th, 2014
Batman Stabs a Giant Carrot May 6th, 2014
Ashamed asian unicorn kid has a gun! May 6th, 2014
Illuminati May 6th, 2014
Man begs for a cookie May 5th, 2014
Oh, ho, ho, man. Cat videos on youtube. May 5th, 2014
guy cleaning up ess May 5th, 2014
Very unhappy rich man May 5th, 2014
denny is dead May 5th, 2014
Bearded man holding a purse May 5th, 2014
Youtube gamers May 5th, 2014