Commented in the game Homestarrunner
Commented in the game Flag of New Caledonia
Commented in the game Licence-less Rider
Commented in the game You like krabby patties, don't you squidward?
Commented in the game Lego partner
Commented in the game Who dares disturb the flying Dutchman?!
Commented in the game Rolling around at the speed of sound
Commented in the game ey b0ss gime da pusi pls
Commented in the game TIME Man of the year: Handsome Squidward
Commented in the game Sam-MOO-rai
Commented in the game RuneScape
Commented in the game Otto von Bismark
Commented in the game Otto von Bismark
Commented in the game Manchu Warlord Cat
Commented in the game Optimus Prime's Prime Rib BBQ
Commented in the game Snarlbear, the monster puncher
Commented in the game DRAW BIG PENOR! you are my drawing slave.
Commented in the game Illuminati Confirmed
Commented in the game Flag of California
Commented in the game and his name is... JOHN CENA!!!!