

October 28th, 2013

L4Fluffster has drawn 452 drawings and authored 459 captions across 911 games. They follow 79 players and have 91 followers. They've earned a total of 7,254 emotes!


Commented in the game giant cat attacks film set

Commented in the game It's not a Phrase, Mom!

Commented in the game Supercat

Commented in the game I'MA FCKING STAR

Commented in the game Zootopia your fav scene (Continue)

Commented in the game The object to your right (PIO)

Commented in the game Derail the next person (P.I.O)

Commented in the game Yellmo... in... Spaaaaaace

Commented in the game Psycho Mantis? You're that ninja...

Commented in the game Supercat

Commented in the game Bioshock Big Daddy

Commented in the game A princess in a castle

Commented in the game Drawception is Now a Kindergartner.

Commented in the game The emperors new toast

Commented in the game This is panel 1. (cont)

Commented in the game This is panel 1. (cont)

Commented in the game This is panel 1. (cont)