

November 13th, 2013

Eggplant42 has drawn 118 drawings and authored 971 captions across 1,089 games. They follow 12 players and have 9 followers. They've earned a total of 4,385 emotes!


Commented in the game Clone has midlife crisis

Commented in the game The Ballad of WesternChicken

Commented in the game Stripe-based abstract art

Commented in the game Clone has midlife crisis

Commented in the game You are the one.

Commented in the game What does the "D" say?

Commented in the game The discworld turtle.

Commented in the game Muad'dib! Muad'dib!

Commented in the game Risque Saturday Morning Cartoons

Commented in the game 60-second Star Wars

Commented in the game Tegan and sara concert at Westboro

Commented in the game all seeing eye, like a sir

Commented in the game Bella Gingell: ‘Sun Spill’.

Commented in the game A Dinosaur Christmas

Commented in the game James Bond in Twerking Never Dies

Commented in the game Bella Gingell: ‘Sun Spill’.