

February 10th, 2014

Uglyotaku has drawn 56 drawings and authored 38 captions across 94 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 153 emotes!


Commented in the game Penetulum, please hold your colors

Commented in the game Penetulum, please hold your colors

Commented in the game Penetulum, please hold your colors

Commented in the game Penetulum, please hold your colors

Commented in the game Cate Blanchett

Commented in the game Cate Blanchett

Commented in the game Charizard VS Venasuar

Commented in the game Cate Blanchett

Commented in the game Peter Griffin as a my little pony

Commented in the game Peter Griffin as a my little pony

Commented in the game Peter Griffin as a my little pony

Commented in the game Peter Griffin as a my little pony

Commented in the game Peter Griffin as a my little pony

Commented in the game Dante vs Bayonetta

Commented in the game R.I.P. ABBBBBBK (

Commented in the game A small green lamp

Commented in the game A small green lamp

Commented in the game Peter Griffin as a my little pony

Commented in the game ronald mcdonald eats a baby