
Bodvar Petur Thorgrimsso

March 25th, 2014

Bodvar Petur Thorgrimsso has drawn 14 drawings and authored 5 captions across 19 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 37 emotes!

Kemosabe Mar 28th, 2014
Nurse Joy is missing Mar 28th, 2014
A Cube, A horse, A Ladder, Flowers & Storm Mar 28th, 2014
Hamburger leaves tiny footprints Mar 27th, 2014
Rena will kill someone again, run for yourlife Mar 26th, 2014
Subtle as a Crowbar Mar 26th, 2014
Jesus Kong doesn't know what to do Mar 26th, 2014
proposing with mcdonalds chicken nuggets Mar 26th, 2014
Boba Fett washes up on a beach. Mar 26th, 2014
Ditto's awkward Pikachu impersonation Mar 25th, 2014
Dracula dead and loving it Mar 25th, 2014
ramen noodles Mar 25th, 2014
A scary man tries to find a good couch. Mar 25th, 2014
Windows 8 Mar 25th, 2014