

April 2nd, 2014   London

jbrant96 has drawn 100 drawings and authored 139 captions across 239 games. They follow 5 players and have 6 followers. They've earned a total of 641 emotes!


Commented in the game A very tall midget bullies a goat.

Commented in the game Neko Atsume

Commented in the game Sans hosting a TV show

Commented in the game You're a wizard, Harry!

Commented in the game apu from simpsons

Commented in the game Chef Excellence

Commented in the game Chef Excellence

Commented in the game Betty Boop

Commented in the game Betty Boop

Commented in the game Sollux and Mituna

Commented in the game Dirty brother killer

Commented in the game no! muscles...r .... nOT CUTE!!!

Commented in the game Draw your current emotion P.I.O.

Commented in the game Undyne

Commented in the game I WOULD BE YOUR DADDY BUT....

Commented in the game Undyne

Commented in the game MLG Undertale

Commented in the game My spoon is too big

Commented in the game My spoon is too big