

March 31st, 2012   Las Vegas, Nevada

Thaddeus has drawn 166 drawings and authored 70 captions across 236 games. They follow 1 players and have 4 followers. They've earned a total of 456 emotes!


Commented in the game Ben Bernanke

Commented in the game Fenton! Oh Jesus Christ!

Commented in the game Gremlins vs. The Goonies

Commented in the game Mr. No Legs beats up a henchman

Commented in the game Just another mintwaffle

Commented in the game kawabanga.

Commented in the game Zombie Jesus hungers... for eggs~

Commented in the game George Clooney's big sister

Commented in the game I SERVE NONE BUT KORROK.

Commented in the game Tom Servo

Commented in the game I SERVE NONE BUT KORROK.

Commented in the game Far Side kid

Commented in the game Explosion at the penguin factory

Commented in the game Explosion at the penguin factory

Commented in the game The nerdiest dinosaur

Commented in the game Planet of the Apes