

May 5th, 2014

Goodra has drawn 43 drawings and authored 167 captions across 210 games. They follow 7 players and have 6 followers. They've earned a total of 516 emotes!


Commented in the game Rhedmonkey, Look it up

Commented in the game Taste the Rainboom

Commented in the game Taste the Rainboom

Commented in the game Bahrain

Commented in the game Nitori Kawashiro

Commented in the game All your base are belong to us.

Commented in the game Holland

Commented in the game Just draw

Commented in the game Row row fight the power

Commented in the game Omlette du fromage

Commented in the game Omlette du fromage

Commented in the game favorite anime, pass it on.

Commented in the game Boxy robot loves red Easter egg.

Commented in the game Reimu Hakurei

Commented in the game Reimu Hakurei

Commented in the game Reimu Hakurei