

July 19th, 2014   G-E-R-M-A-N-Y

AlexAway has drawn 557 drawings and authored 938 captions across 1,495 games. They follow 16 players and have 17 followers. They've earned a total of 6,054 emotes!


Commented in the game Bee Convention 2015

Commented in the game Frylock the warlock

Commented in the game It's Always Funny in Sillydelphia

Commented in the game Kamen Rider

Commented in the game Kamen Rider

Commented in the game The Oregon Trail

Commented in the game The Oregon Trail

Commented in the game pimple spongbob

Commented in the game Schultz (Hogan's Heroes character)

Commented in the game Schultz (Hogan's Heroes character)

Commented in the game "Pass It On" (Pass It On)

Commented in the game scrooge mcDuck catching a frisbee

Commented in the game GabeN's favourite food. (wallets)

Commented in the game 13th doctor? Why not Zoidberg?

Commented in the game Willow (Don't Starve)

Commented in the game Purple guy (fnaf) eats a phone

Commented in the game Draw your favourite character (PIO)