Commented in the game Pucca meets Spy vs. Spy
Commented in the game Hello kitty blushes
Commented in the game Your favorite dinosaur, pass it on
Commented in the game FBI Otaku guy
Commented in the game Gorgeous blond hair and literal flower bikini.
Commented in the game One does not simply Hodor into Mordor
Commented in the game Well, you're not mating with me, sunshine!
Commented in the game Abradolf Lincler punches Justin Beiber.
Commented in the game You are loose cannon, Sandvich.
Commented in the game Supernova
Commented in the game A beautiful DICK
Commented in the game Draft Dogers
Commented in the game Karma Chameleon
Commented in the game If Gangnam Style would get popular again......
Commented in the game Bayne lets you die when the bass drops
Commented in the game John Carpenter's "The Thing"
Commented in the game Dwarf Fortress
Commented in the game Magic School Bus... ON ACID
Commented in the game Hatty Hattington
Commented in the game The A-Team