

August 31st, 2014   Choose Your Character!

Rey has drawn 939 drawings and authored 60 captions across 999 games. They follow 211 players and have 328 followers. They've earned a total of 17,784 emotes!

plague doctor with a wreath around neck May 4th, 2017
deer with intestines wrapped around antlers May 4th, 2017
Kenny (SouthPark) has long blonde hair May 4th, 2017
You are what you eat... May 4th, 2017
Devil in a formal suit May 4th, 2017
everything sandwich May 3rd, 2017
Yugi's hair is on fire May 3rd, 2017
ULTRA BUU May 3rd, 2017
Mario in prison garb May 3rd, 2017
Pikachu Tempted to pull Apocalypse Lever May 3rd, 2017
The sun is blinding May 3rd, 2017
Little Red Riding Hood May 3rd, 2017
Golem collects flowers May 2nd, 2017
That's not egg on your toast... May 2nd, 2017
Lightsaber-weilding hamster May 2nd, 2017
plague doctor May 2nd, 2017
Aku searches "Extra Thicc" on Google May 2nd, 2017
Cowboy is a Closet Internet Troll May 2nd, 2017