

September 28th, 2014

Sophiedokidoki has drawn 247 drawings and authored 631 captions across 878 games. They follow 13 players and have 14 followers. They've earned a total of 2,618 emotes!


Commented in the game I like your pants. Can I have them?

Commented in the game Now I know what I want for dinner!

Commented in the game Chica hits Foxy

Commented in the game Sexy scary skeletons

Commented in the game I see all with my one blue eye.

Commented in the game Pyramid Head is gonna get you.

Commented in the game Zoo boys

Commented in the game Snow Black

Commented in the game Birdemic meets The Room

Commented in the game Rage against the TV

Commented in the game Agressive tissue war

Commented in the game a GOOD drawing of uncle jesse

Commented in the game Bruce Wayne is on my leg

Commented in the game Tis amour

Commented in the game marble hornets totheark