

October 3rd, 2014   vine.co/ThomasSanders

TheColorOfTheGame has drawn 3,670 drawings and authored 3,713 captions across 7,383 games. They follow 28 players and have 190 followers. They've earned a total of 78,392 emotes!


Commented in the game Sanspool and Spiderpapyrus

Commented in the game Grumps Dream Course

Commented in the game Your first pokemon starter! pio

Commented in the game LIKE ALL THE PANELS!

Commented in the game dolphin rave

Commented in the game A tribute to Reused

Commented in the game The Dark Swan (Once Upon A Time)

Commented in the game Marionettes are scary.

Commented in the game A bowl of various fruits

Commented in the game A bowl of various fruits

Commented in the game waluigi HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA

Commented in the game something that makes this top game

Commented in the game Antique family portrait roulette

Commented in the game The Many Voices of Tara Strong