

October 13th, 2014

nitrodex1 has drawn 226 drawings and authored 230 captions across 456 games. They follow 15 players and have 9 followers. They've earned a total of 1,529 emotes!


Commented in the game The 11th Doctor (Doctor Who)

Commented in the game The 11th Doctor (Doctor Who)

Commented in the game The 11th Doctor (Doctor Who)

Commented in the game The 11th Doctor (Doctor Who)

Commented in the game The 11th Doctor (Doctor Who)

Commented in the game The 11th Doctor (Doctor Who)

Commented in the game The 11th Doctor (Doctor Who)

Commented in the game Spider-ox

Commented in the game Samurai one-hit-kills monster

Commented in the game Samurai one-hit-kills monster

Commented in the game That pyro is a spy.

Commented in the game Pregnant Jesus

Commented in the game Wonders of the World - P.I.O.

Commented in the game Space Ghost Coast to Coast

Commented in the game draw something scary (pass it on)