

December 12th, 2014   Sol 3

JoeysRattata has drawn 382 drawings and authored 1,369 captions across 1,751 games. They follow 8 players and have 29 followers. They've earned a total of 4,939 emotes!


Commented in the game Thanksgiving Rattata

Commented in the game Rattata eats a taco

Commented in the game my god there's blood everywhere

Commented in the game Typical Indie-Rock Band

Commented in the game Typical Indie-Rock Band

Commented in the game nuclear rattata

Commented in the game Typical Indie-Rock Band

Commented in the game old movie

Commented in the game old movie

Commented in the game Louis C.K.

Commented in the game nuclear rattata

Commented in the game Spooky Rattata

Commented in the game Great Googly Moogly

Commented in the game Spooky Rattata

Commented in the game Great Googly Moogly

Commented in the game Spooky Rattata

Commented in the game Beatles '65

Commented in the game Create your own planet (PIO)