

April 1st, 2012

Argus has drawn 16 drawings and authored 3 captions across 19 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 93 emotes!

Man slams door on frog's tongue Apr 5th, 2012
Ron Swanson eating bacon Apr 3rd, 2012
Man running from yoda in flying rice bowl Apr 2nd, 2012
birthday celebrations in their birthday suits Apr 2nd, 2012
One-legged blone in red bikini with crutches Apr 1st, 2012
5 legged animal puking up green pellets Apr 1st, 2012
Man excited to play the oregon trail Apr 1st, 2012
Dinosaur played too much pong Apr 1st, 2012
Creepy staring lady paints uncanny self-portrait Apr 1st, 2012
Linux Penguin becomes Iron Fisted ruler Apr 1st, 2012
Blonde man stares at jelly sandwich Apr 1st, 2012
Rocket Pope soars through the air with batteries Apr 1st, 2012
Italian phantom harasses black octopus Apr 1st, 2012
Superman KO's Krusty, wins the title. Apr 1st, 2012
Somebody doesn't like Mudkips Apr 1st, 2012
Blue goo thrown on windshield of red car Apr 1st, 2012