

December 30th, 2014   New York, New York

JoeDiesAtTheEnd has drawn 171 drawings and authored 116 captions across 287 games. They follow 4 players and have 8 followers. They've earned a total of 1,174 emotes!


Commented in the game game grumps

Commented in the game The rarest pepe (PIO)

Commented in the game CRAWLING IN MY CRAWL

Commented in the game Design a character (PIO)

Commented in the game town of salem

Commented in the game CRAWLING IN MY CRAWL

Commented in the game town of salem

Commented in the game Rick and Morty Santa

Commented in the game town of salem

Commented in the game town of salem

Commented in the game Best girl in Katawa Shoujo

Commented in the game Epic Rap Battles of History

Commented in the game Iron Giant!

Commented in the game I've made a horrible mistake!

Commented in the game over the garden wall

Commented in the game What a blockhead!

Commented in the game Karaoke stickman. SHAKALAKA BOOM!

Commented in the game Shout it out

Commented in the game Mordekaiser goes huehuehue.