
António Silva

December 30th, 2014

António Silva has drawn 112 drawings and authored 53 captions across 165 games. They follow 6 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 390 emotes!

An abandoned troll toll. Dec 30th, 2014
tiny meowing cat explores drain Dec 30th, 2014
Beer at the top of a mountain Dec 30th, 2014
Reddit alien eye lasers guy with bowtie Dec 30th, 2014
Horses should not drive prop planes Dec 30th, 2014
A cat is scared of a poisonous substance Dec 30th, 2014
stickmen house Dec 30th, 2014
DOUBLE RAINBOW Dec 30th, 2014
That last square in a Rubix Cube... Dec 30th, 2014
An unusual robbery Dec 30th, 2014
hooded figure needs cow and tun tun tun tun Dec 30th, 2014
aerosol can sprays on stabbed prostitute Dec 30th, 2014
Cat riding a Cow Dec 30th, 2014
EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!Everythingiscoolwhen.... Dec 30th, 2014
Magnum, p.i. Dec 30th, 2014