
skerick ert

January 1st, 2015

skerick ert has drawn 10 drawings and authored 2 captions across 12 games. They've earned a total of 21 emotes!

guy explains to a girl, that he is no cowboy Jan 3rd, 2015
hippo with candy cane Jan 3rd, 2015
That bald girl with the weird teeth from American Horror Story Jan 2nd, 2015
Scientist proves a huge poo killed the dinos Jan 2nd, 2015
Who ya gonna call? Jan 2nd, 2015
World War 3 Jan 2nd, 2015
X wearing sunglasses Jan 1st, 2015
man puts cream in hair to grow his afro Jan 1st, 2015
S-shaped serpent man and one arm breathes fire Jan 1st, 2015
Sleeping person does not like Jelsa Jan 1st, 2015