

January 2nd, 2015

Chryosten has drawn 2,221 drawings and authored 5,396 captions across 7,617 games. They follow 41 players and have 26 followers. They've earned a total of 9,769 emotes!

Double-headed Spiderman grabs Batman's Cape Jan 3rd, 2015
trex plays friendly game with godzilla Jan 3rd, 2015
Coke can wishes it could be Adele Dazeem Jan 3rd, 2015
The flog is born. Jan 3rd, 2015
god electrocuting grey satan Jan 3rd, 2015
Zeus slips on banana lighting bolts self. Jan 3rd, 2015
Limited edition products Jan 3rd, 2015
Guy in the dark working on matrix programming Jan 3rd, 2015
2015 Back to the Future Jan 3rd, 2015
Sherlock Jan 3rd, 2015
Evil man with statue of hook Jan 3rd, 2015
ManBeingThrownFromADockOntoAGiantStarFish Jan 3rd, 2015
Turtle is crying because fat dude is faster Jan 3rd, 2015
Stickman kicking A Jan 3rd, 2015
Empty vending machine Jan 3rd, 2015
guy for and against gays with flames Jan 3rd, 2015
Mormon spreads his diseases to a PacificIsland Jan 3rd, 2015
Kermit The Frog Dances Jan 3rd, 2015